3 research outputs found

    Online Bivariate Outlier Detection in Final Test Using Kernel Density Estimation

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    In parametric IC testing, outlier detection is applied to filter out potential unreliable devices. Most outlier detection methods are used in an offline setting and hence are not applicable to Final Test, where immediate pass/fail decisions are required. Therefore, we developed a new bivariate online outlier detection method that is applicable to Final Test without making assumptions about a specific form of relations between two test parameters. An acceptance region is constructed using kernel density estimation. We use a grid discretization in order to enable a fast outlier decision. After each accepted device the grid is updated, hence the method is able to adapt to shifting measurements

    Selection of tests for outlier detection

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    Integrated circuits are tested thoroughly in order to meet the high demands on quality. As an additional step, outlier detection is used to detect potential unreliable chips such that quality can be improved further. However, it is often unclear to which tests outlier detection should be applied and how the parameters must be set, such that outliers are detected and yield loss remains limited. In this paper we introduce a mathematical framework, that given a set of target devices, can select tests for outlier detection and set the parameters for each outlier detection method. We provide results on real world data and analyze the resulting yield loss and missed targets

    Estudio de procesos de Migración y Plasticidad en el Sistema Nervioso Central: Papel de Semaforina 4F y kinasa de adhesión focal (FAK)

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    [spa] La presente tesis doctoral presenta varios resultados fundamentales para la ampliación del conocimiento actual de procesos importantes en la generación de los circuitos neuronales, como son la migración y la ramificación de células neurales. En primer lugar, se ha determinado la expresión de la semaforina transmembranal 4F en cerebro de ratón en desarrollo y adulto. Así, se ha visto que se expresa en diversas áreas del cerebro, y se ha encontrado expresión de esta proteína en precursores neuronales y en neuronas maduras, principalmente en dendritas, y en células del linaje oligodendroglial.[eng] This thesis presents several results related to important processes regarding neural circuit formation, i.e. migration and ramification of Central Nervous System (CNS) cells. First, we have determined the expression of transmembrane semaphorin 4F (Sema4F) in developing and adult mice brain. Expression of this protein is high in neuronal and oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs), and in different areas including optic nerve (ON) and different migratory pathways. In vitro experiments confirmed Sema4F expression in OPCs. We investigated the role of this protein in functions important for OPC physiology, and found that Sema4F inhibits OPC migration from ON explants and induces their differentiation into mature progenitors. Negative effects of Sema4F in migration must involve cytoskeleton changes. Focal adhesion kinase (FAK) is an important integrator of different extracellular signals and modulates cytoskeleton dynamics to control generation of lamellipodia, fillopodia and stress fibers. In the present project we found that Sema4F is able to phosphorylate FAK, and that FAK enhances OPC migration. The exact implications of Sema4F-FAK relationship remain to be elucidated. FAK exists in different spliced isoforms, expressed preferentially in brain. In this project, we characterised the exact isoform expressed in different areas of the brain and by different cell types. Finally, FAK response to neurotrophins is well characterised. FAK also participates in ramification processes, with controversial final effects in neurons. Ack1 is a crucial transducer of neurotrophin-induced ramification. In this thesis we show that both proteins interact specifically in neurons. We have also found that the activation of FAK is necessary for Ack1 phosphorylation upon stimulation, and viceversa. FAK mediates netrin-1 attraction, and here we have determined that knocking-down Ack1 avoids netrin-1 effects in hippocampal explants. By Mass Spectrometry (MS) techniques, we have observed changes in the phosphorylation state of both proteins depending on the developmental stage of the brain (P5 mice) or its activation state (epileptic mice)